D Programming Language Tutorial
Ali Çehreli

İngilizce Kaynaklar



I would like to thank my wife, daughter, and son, who endured the long hours as much as I did while writing the original Turkish version as well as the English translation of this book.

These chapters have originally been reviewed by the members of the Turkish Ddili Forum. I am grateful to the Turkish D community for keeping my excitement and motivation high.

Mert Ataol, Zafer Çelenk, and Salih Dinçer have given feedback on almost every line of the book. Can Alpay Çiftçi and Faruk Erdem Öncel have been instrumental in the development of both this book and of ddili.org.

Thanks to the following people for their very valuable corrections, recommendations, and ideas: Ergin Güney, Jordi Sayol, David Herberth, Andre Tampubolon, Gour-Gadadhara Dasa, Raphaël Jakse, Andrej Mitrovic, Johannes Pfau, Jerome Sniatecki, Jason Adams, Ali H. Çalışkan, Paul Jurczak, Brian Rogoff, Михаил Страшун, Joseph Rushton Wakeling, Tove, Hugo Florentino, Satya Pothamsetti, Luís Marques, Christoph Wendler, Daniel Nielsen, Ketmar Dark.

This book has been proofread by Ergin Güney to be elevated to English from my Inglish.