Programming in D – Tutorial and Reference
Ali Çehreli

Other D Resources

User Defined Attributes (UDA)

Any declaration (e.g. struct type, class type, variable, etc.) can be assigned attributes, which can then be accessed at compile time to alter the way the code is compiled. User defined attributes is purely a compile-time feature.

The user defined attribute syntax consists of the @ sign followed by the attribute and appear before the declaration that it is being assigned to. For example, the following code assigns the Encrypted attribute to the declaration of name:

    @Encrypted string name;

Multiple attributes can be specified separately or as a parenthesized list of attributes. For example, both of the following variables have the same attributes:

    @Encrypted @Colored string lastName;     // ← separately
    @(Encrypted, Colored) string address;    // ← together

An attribute can be a type name as well as a value of a user defined or a fundamental type. However, because their meanings may not be clear, attributes consisting of literal values like 42 are discouraged:

struct Encrypted {

enum Color { black, blue, red }

struct Colored {
    Color color;

void main() {
    @Encrypted           int a;    // ← type name
    @Encrypted()         int b;    // ← object
    @Colored( int c;    // ← object
    @(42)                int d;    // ← literal (discouraged)

The attributes of a and b above are of different kinds: The attribute of a is the type Encrypted itself, while the attribute of b is an object of type Encrypted. This is an important difference that affects the way attributes are used at compile time. We will see an example of this difference below.

The meaning of attributes is solely determined by the programmer for the needs of the program. The attributes are determined by __traits(getAttributes) at compile time and the code is compiled according to those attributes.

The following code shows how the attributes of a specific struct member (e.g. can be accessed by __traits(getAttributes):

import std.stdio;

// ...

struct Person {
    @Encrypted @Colored( string name;
    string lastName;
    @Colored( string address;

void main() {
    foreach (attr; __traits(getAttributes, {

The output of the program lists the attributes of


Two other __traits expressions are useful when dealing with user defined attributes:

import std.string;

// ...

void main() {
    foreach (memberName; __traits(allMembers, Person)) {
        writef("The attributes of %-8s:", memberName);

        foreach (attr; __traits(getAttributes,
                                         Person, memberName))) {
            writef(" %s", attr.stringof);


The output of the program lists all attributes of all members of Person:

The attributes of name    : Encrypted Colored(cast(Color)1)
The attributes of lastName:
The attributes of address : Colored(cast(Color)2)

Another useful tool is std.traits.hasUDA, which determines whether a symbol has a specific attribute. The following static assert passes because has Encrypted attribute:

import std.traits;

// ...

static assert(hasUDA!(, Encrypted));

hasUDA can be used with an attribute type as well as a specific value of that type. The following static assert checks both pass because has Colored( attribute:

static assert(hasUDA!(, Colored));
static assert(hasUDA!(, Colored(;

Let's design a function template that prints the values of all members of a struct object in XML format. The following function considers the Encrypted and Colored attributes of each member when producing the output:

void printAsXML(T)(T object) {
// ...

    foreach (member; __traits(allMembers, T)) {             // (1)
        string value =
            __traits(getMember, object, member).to!string;  // (2)

        static if (hasUDA!(__traits(getMember, T, member),  // (3)
                           Encrypted)) {
            value =!string;

        writefln(`  <%1$s color="%2$s">%3$s</%1$s>`, member,
                 colorAttributeOf!(T, member), value);      // (4)

The highlighted parts of the code are explained below:

  1. The members of the type are determined by __traits(allMembers).
  2. The value of each member is converted to string to be used later when printing to the output. For example, when the member is "name", the right-hand side expression becomes!string.
  3. Each member is tested with hasUDA to determine whether it has the Encrypted attribute. The value of the member is encrypted if it has that attribute. (Because hasUDA requires symbols to work with, note how __traits(getMember) is used to get the member as a symbol (e.g.
  4. The color attribute of each member is determined with colorAttributeOf(), which we will see below.

The colorAttributeOf() function template can be implemented as in the following code:

Color colorAttributeOf(T, string memberName)() {
    foreach (attr; __traits(getAttributes,
                            __traits(getMember, T, memberName))) {
        static if (is (typeof(attr) == Colored)) {
            return attr.color;


When the compile-time evaluations are completed, the printAsXML() function template would be instantiated for the Person type as the equivalent of the following function:

/* The equivalent of the printAsXML!Person instance. */
void printAsXML_Person(Person object) {
// ...

        string value =!string;
        value =!string;
        writefln(`  <%1$s color="%2$s">%3$s</%1$s>`,
                 "name",, value);
        string value =!string;
        writefln(`  <%1$s color="%2$s">%3$s</%1$s>`,
                 "lastName",, value);
        string value =!string;
        writefln(`  <%1$s color="%2$s">%3$s</%1$s>`,
                 "address",, value);

The complete program has more explanations:

import std.stdio;
import std.string;
import std.algorithm;
import std.conv;
import std.traits;

/* Specifies that the symbol that it is assigned to should be
 * encrypted. */
struct Encrypted {

enum Color { black, blue, red }

/* Specifies the color of the symbol that it is assigned to.
 * The default color is */
struct Colored {
    Color color;

struct Person {
    /* This member is specified to be encrypted and printed in
     * blue. */
    @Encrypted @Colored( string name;

    /* This member does not have any user defined
     * attributes. */
    string lastName;

    /* This member is specified to be printed in red. */
    @Colored( string address;

/* Returns the value of the Colored attribute if the specified
 * member has that attribute, otherwise. */
Color colorAttributeOf(T, string memberName)() {
    auto result =;

    foreach (attr;
                      __traits(getMember, T, memberName))) {
        static if (is (typeof(attr) == Colored)) {
            result = attr.color;

    return result;

/* Returns the Caesar-encrypted version of the specified
 * string. (Warning: Caesar cipher is a very weak encryption
 * method.) */
auto encrypted(string value) {
    return!(a => dchar(a + 1));

unittest {

/* Prints the specified object in XML format according to the
 * attributes of its members. */
void printAsXML(T)(T object) {
    writefln("<%s>", T.stringof);
    scope(exit) writefln("</%s>", T.stringof);

    foreach (member; __traits(allMembers, T)) {
        string value =
            __traits(getMember, object, member).to!string;

        static if (hasUDA!(__traits(getMember, T, member),
                           Encrypted)) {
            value =!string;

        writefln(`  <%1$s color="%2$s">%3$s</%1$s>`,
                 member, colorAttributeOf!(T, member), value);

void main() {
    auto people = [ Person("Alice", "Davignon", "Avignon"),
                    Person("Ben", "de Bordeaux", "Bordeaux") ];

    foreach (person; people) {

The output of the program shows that the members have the correct color and that the name member is encrypted:

  <name color="blue">Bmjdf</name>                ← blue and encrypted
  <lastName color="black">Davignon</lastName>
  <address color="red">Avignon</address>         ← red
  <name color="blue">Cfo</name>                  ← blue and encrypted
  <lastName color="black">de Bordeaux</lastName>
  <address color="red">Bordeaux</address>        ← red
The benefit of user defined attributes

The benefit of user defined attributes is being able to change the attributes of declarations without needing to change any other part of the program. For example, all of the members of Person can become encrypted in the XML output by the trivial change below:

struct Person {
    @Encrypted {
        string name;
        string lastName;
        string address;

// ...

    printAsXML(Person("Cindy", "de Cannes", "Cannes"));

The output:

  <name color="black">Djoez</name>              ← encrypted
  <lastName color="black">ef!Dbooft</lastName>  ← encrypted
  <address color="black">Dbooft</address>       ← encrypted

Further, printAsXML() and the attributes that it considers can be used with other types as well:

struct Data {
    @Colored( string message;

// ...

    printAsXML(Data("hello world"));

The output:

  <message color="blue">hello world</message>    ← blue