Function Overloading
The following two overloads take advantage of the existing info()
void info(Meal meal) { info(meal.time); write('-'); info(addDuration(meal.time, TimeOfDay(1, 30))); write(" Meal, Address: ", meal.address); } void info(DailyPlan plan) { info(plan.amMeeting); writeln(); info(plan.lunch); writeln(); info(plan.pmMeeting); }
Here is the entire program that uses all of these types:
import std.stdio; struct TimeOfDay { int hour; int minute; } void info(TimeOfDay time) { writef("%02s:%02s", time.hour, time.minute); } TimeOfDay addDuration(TimeOfDay start, TimeOfDay duration) { TimeOfDay result; result.minute = start.minute + duration.minute; result.hour = start.hour + duration.hour; result.hour += result.minute / 60; result.minute %= 60; result.hour %= 24; return result; } struct Meeting { string topic; size_t attendanceCount; TimeOfDay start; TimeOfDay end; } void info(Meeting meeting) { info(meeting.start); write('-'); info(meeting.end); writef(" \"%s\" meeting with %s attendees", meeting.topic, meeting.attendanceCount); } struct Meal { TimeOfDay time; string address; } void info(Meal meal) { info(meal.time); write('-'); info(addDuration(meal.time, TimeOfDay(1, 30))); write(" Meal, Address: ", meal.address); } struct DailyPlan { Meeting amMeeting; Meal lunch; Meeting pmMeeting; } void info(DailyPlan plan) { info(plan.amMeeting); writeln(); info(plan.lunch); writeln(); info(plan.pmMeeting); } void main() { immutable bikeRideMeeting = Meeting("Bike Ride", 4, TimeOfDay(10, 30), TimeOfDay(11, 45)); immutable lunch = Meal(TimeOfDay(12, 30), "İstanbul"); immutable budgetMeeting = Meeting("Budget", 8, TimeOfDay(15, 30), TimeOfDay(17, 30)); immutable todaysPlan = DailyPlan(bikeRideMeeting, lunch, budgetMeeting); info(todaysPlan); writeln(); }
That main()
function can also be written with only object literals:
void main() { info(DailyPlan(Meeting("Bike Ride", 4, TimeOfDay(10, 30), TimeOfDay(11, 45)), Meal(TimeOfDay(12, 30), "İstanbul"), Meeting("Budget", 8, TimeOfDay(15, 30), TimeOfDay(17, 30)))); writeln(); }