Programming in D – Tutorial and Reference
Ali Çehreli

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Type Conversions

Variables must be compatible with the expressions that they take part in. As it has probably been obvious from the programs that we have seen so far, D is a statically typed language, meaning that the compatibility of types is validated at compile time.

All of the expressions that we have written so far always had compatible types because otherwise the code would be rejected by the compiler. The following is an example of code that has incompatible types:

    char[] slice;
    writeln(slice + 5);    // ← compilation ERROR

The compiler rejects the code due to the incompatible types char[] and int for the addition operation:

Error: incompatible types for ((slice) + (5)): 'char[]' and 'int'

Type incompatibility does not mean that the types are different; different types can indeed be used in expressions safely. For example, an int variable can safely be used in place of a double value:

    double sum = 1.25;
    int increment = 3;
    sum += increment;

Even though sum and increment are of different types, the code above is valid because incrementing a double variable by an int value is legal.

Automatic type conversions

Automatic type conversions are also called implicit type conversions.

Although double and int are compatible types in the expression above, the addition operation must still be evaluated as a specific type at the microprocessor level. As you would remember from the Floating Point Types chapter, the 64-bit type double is wider (or larger) than the 32-bit type int. Additionally, any value that fits in an int also fits in a double.

When the compiler encounters an expression that involves mismatched types, it first converts the parts of the expressions to a common type and then evaluates the overall expression. The automatic conversions that are performed by the compiler are in the direction that avoids data loss. For example, double can hold any value that int can hold but the opposite is not true. The += operation above can work because any int value can safely be converted to double.

The value that has been generated automatically as a result of a conversion is always an anonymous (and often temporary) variable. The original value does not change. For example, the automatic conversion during += above does not change the type of increment; it is always an int. Rather, a temporary value of type double is constructed with the value of increment. The conversion that takes place in the background is equivalent to the following code:

        double an_anonymous_double_value = increment;
        sum += an_anonymous_double_value;

The compiler converts the int value to a temporary double value and uses that value in the operation. In this example, the temporary variable lives only during the += operation.

Automatic conversions are not limited to arithmetic operations. There are other cases where types are converted to other types automatically. As long as the conversions are valid, the compiler takes advantage of type conversions to be able to use values in expressions. For example, a byte value can be passed for an int parameter:

void func(int number) {
    // ...

void main() {
    byte smallValue = 7;
    func(smallValue);    // automatic type conversion

In the code above, first a temporary int value is constructed and the function is called with that value.

Integer promotions

Values of types that are on the left-hand side of the following table never take part in arithmetic expressions as their actual types. Each type is first promoted to the type that is on the right-hand side of the table.

From To
bool int
byte int
ubyte int
short int
ushort int
char int
wchar int
dchar uint

Integer promotions are applied to enum values as well.

The reasons for integer promotions are both historical (where the rules come from C) and the fact that the natural arithmetic type for the microprocessor is int. For example, although the following two variables are both ubyte, the addition operation is performed only after both of the values are individually promoted to int:

    ubyte a = 1;
    ubyte b = 2;
    writeln(typeof(a + b).stringof);  // the addition is not in ubyte

The output:


Note that the types of the variables a and b do not change; only their values are temporarily promoted to int for the duration of the addition operation.

Arithmetic conversions

There are other conversion rules that are applied for arithmetic operations. In general, automatic arithmetic conversions are applied in the safe direction: from the narrower type to the wider type. Although this rule is easy to remember and is correct in most cases, automatic conversion rules are very complicated and in the case of signed-to-unsigned conversions, carry some risk of bugs.

The arithmetic conversion rules are the following:

  1. If one of the values is real, then the other value is converted to real
  2. Else, if one of the values is double, then the other value is converted to double
  3. Else, if one of the values is float, then the other value is converted to float
  4. Else, first integer promotions are applied according to the table above, and then the following rules are followed:
    1. If both types are the same, then no more steps needed
    2. If both types are signed or both types are unsigned, then the narrower value is converted to the wider type
    3. If the signed type is wider than the unsigned type, then the unsigned value is converted to the signed type
    4. Otherwise the signed type is converted to the unsigned type

Unfortunately, the last rule above can cause subtle bugs:

    int    a = 0;
    int    b = 1;
    size_t c = 0;
    writeln(a - b + c);  // Surprising result!

Surprisingly, the output is not -1, but size_t.max:


Although one would expect (0 - 1 + 0) to be calculated as -1, according to the rules above, the type of the entire expression is size_t, not int; and since size_t cannot hold negative values, the result overflows and becomes size_t.max.

Slice conversions

As a convenience, fixed-length arrays can automatically be converted to slices when calling a function:

import std.stdio;

void foo() {
    int[2] array = [ 1, 2 ];
    bar(array);    // Passes fixed-length array as a slice

void bar(int[] slice) {

void main() {

bar() receives a slice to all elements of the fixed-length array and prints it:

[1, 2]

Warning: A local fixed-length array must not be passed as a slice if the function stores the slice for later use. For example, the following program has a bug because the slice that bar() stores would not be valid after foo() exits:

import std.stdio;

void foo() {
    int[2] array = [ 1, 2 ];
    bar(array);    // Passes fixed-length array as a slice

}  // ← NOTE: 'array' is not valid beyond this point

int[] sliceForLaterUse;

void bar(int[] slice) {
    // Saves a slice that is about to become invalid
    sliceForLaterUse = slice;
    writefln("Inside bar : %s", sliceForLaterUse);

void main() {

    /* BUG: Accesses memory that is not array elements anymore */
    writefln("Inside main: %s", sliceForLaterUse);

The result of such a bug is undefined behavior. A sample execution can prove that the memory that used to be the elements of array has already been reused for other purposes:

Inside bar : [1, 2]        ← actual elements
Inside main: [4396640, 0]  ← a manifestation of undefined behavior
const conversions

As we have seen earlier in the Function Parameters chapter, reference types can automatically be converted to the const of the same type. Conversion to const is safe because the width of the type does not change and const is a promise to not modify the variable:

char[] parenthesized(const char[] text) {
    return "{" ~ text ~ "}";

void main() {
    char[] greeting;
    greeting ~= "hello world";

The mutable greeting above is automatically converted to a const char[] as it is passed to parenthesized().

As we have also seen earlier, the opposite conversion is not automatic. A const reference is not automatically converted to a mutable reference:

char[] parenthesized(const char[] text) {
    char[] argument = text;  // ← compilation ERROR
// ...

Note that this topic is only about references; since variables of value types are copied, it is not possible to affect the original through the copy anyway:

    const int totalCorners = 4;
    int theCopy = totalCorners;      // compiles (value type)

The conversion from const to mutable above is legal because the copy is not a reference to the original.

immutable conversions

Because immutable specifies that a variable can never change, neither conversion from immutable nor to immutable are automatic:

    string a = "hello";    // immutable characters
    char[] b = a;          // ← compilation ERROR
    string c = b;          // ← compilation ERROR

As with const conversions above, this topic is also only about reference types. Since variables of value types are copied anyway, conversions to and from immutable are valid:

    immutable a = 10;
    int b = a;           // compiles (value type)
enum conversions

As we have seen in the enum chapter, enum is for defining named constants:

    enum Suit { spades, hearts, diamonds, clubs }

Remember that since no values are specified explicitly above, the values of the enum members start with zero and are automatically incremented by one. Accordingly, the value of Suit.clubs is 3.

enum values are atomatically converted to integral types. For example, the value of Suit.hearts is taken to be 1 in the following calculation and the result becomes 11:

    int result = 10 + Suit.hearts;
    assert(result == 11);

The opposite conversion is not automatic: Integer values are not automatically converted to corresponding enum values. For example, the suit variable below might be expected to become, but the code cannot be compiled:

    Suit suit = 2;    // ← compilation ERROR

As we will see below, conversions from integers to enum values are still possible but they must be explicit.

bool conversions

Although bool is the natural type of logical expressions, as it has only two values, it can be seen as a 1-bit integer and does behave like one in some cases. false and true are automatically converted to 0 and 1, respectively:

    int a = false;
    assert(a == 0);

    int b = true;
    assert(b == 1);

Regarding literal values, the opposite conversion is automatic only for two special literal values: 0 and 1 are converted automatically to false and true, respectively:

    bool a = 0;
    assert(!a);     // false

    bool b = 1;
    assert(b);      // true

Other literal values cannot be converted to bool automatically:

    bool b = 2;    // ← compilation ERROR

Some statements make use of logical expressions: if, while, etc. For the logical expressions of such statements, not only bool but most other types can be used as well. The value zero is automatically converted to false and the nonzero values are automatically converted to true.

    int i;
    // ...

    if (i) {    // ← int value is being used as a logical expression
        // ... 'i' is not zero

    } else {
        // ... 'i' is zero

Similarly, null references are automatically converted to false and non-null references are automatically converted to true. This makes it easy to ensure that a reference is non-null before actually using it:

    int[] a;
    // ...

    if (a) {    // ← automatic bool conversion
        // ... not null; 'a' can be used ...

    } else {
        // ... null; 'a' cannot be used ...
Explicit type conversions

As we have seen above, there are cases where automatic conversions are not available:

If such a conversion is known to be safe, the programmer can explicitly ask for a type conversion by one of the following methods:

Construction syntax

The struct and class construction syntax is available for other types as well:


For example, the following conversion makes a double value from an int value, presumably to preserve the fractional part of the division operation:

    int i;
    // ...
    const result = double(i) / 2;
to() for most conversions

The to() function, which we have already used mostly to convert values to string, can actually be used for many other types. Its complete syntax is the following:


Being a template, to() can take advantage of the shortcut template parameter notation: When the destination type consists only of a single token (generally, a single word), it can be called without the first pair of parentheses:


The following program is trying to convert a double value to short and a string value to int:

void main() {
    double d = -1.75;

    short s = d;     // ← compilation ERROR
    int i = "42";    // ← compilation ERROR

Since not every double value can be represented as a short and not every string can be represented as an int, those conversions are not automatic. When it is known by the programmer that the conversions are in fact safe or that the potential consequences are acceptable, then the types can be converted by to():

import std.conv;

void main() {
    double d = -1.75;

    short s = to!short(d);
    assert(s == -1);

    int i = to!int("42");
    assert(i == 42);

Note that because short cannot carry fractional values, the converted value is -1.

to() is safe: It throws an exception when a conversion is not possible.

assumeUnique() for fast immutable conversions

to() can perform immutable conversions as well:

    int[] slice = [ 10, 20, 30 ];
    auto immutableSlice = to!(immutable int[])(slice);

In order to guarantee that the elements of immutableSlice will never change, it cannot share the same elements with slice. For that reason, to() creates an additional slice with immutable elements above. Otherwise, modifications to the elements of slice would cause the elements of immutableSlice change as well. This behavior is the same with the .idup property of arrays.

We can see that the elements of immutableSlice are indeed copies of the elements of slice by looking at the addresses of their first elements:

    assert(&(slice[0]) != &(immutableSlice[0]));

Sometimes this copy is unnecessary and may slow the speed of the program noticeably in certain cases. As an example of this, let's look at the following function that takes an immutable slice:

void calculate(immutable int[] coordinates) {
    // ...

void main() {
    int[] numbers;
    numbers ~= 10;
    // ... various other modifications ...
    numbers[0] = 42;

    calculate(numbers);    // ← compilation ERROR

The program above cannot be compiled because the caller is not passing an immutable argument to calculate(). As we have seen above, an immutable slice can be created by to():

import std.conv;
// ...
    auto immutableNumbers = to!(immutable int[])(numbers);
    calculate(immutableNumbers);    // ← now compiles

However, if numbers is needed only to produce this argument and will never be used after the function is called, copying its elements to immutableNumbers would be unnecessary. assumeUnique() makes the elements of a slice immutable without copying:

import std.exception;
// ...
    auto immutableNumbers = assumeUnique(numbers);
    assert(numbers is null);    // the original slice becomes null

assumeUnique() returns a new slice that provides immutable access to the existing elements. It also makes the original slice null to prevent the elements from accidentally being modified through it.

The cast operator

Both to() and assumeUnique() make use of the conversion operator cast, which is available to the programmer as well.

The cast operator takes the destination type in parentheses:


cast is powerful even for conversions that to() cannot safely perform. For example, to() fails for the following conversions at runtime:

    Suit suit = to!Suit(7);    // ← throws exception
    bool b = to!bool(2);       // ← throws exception
std.conv.ConvException@phobos/std/conv.d(1778): Value (7)
does not match any member value of enum 'Suit'

Sometimes only the programmer can know whether an integer value corresponds to a valid enum value or that it makes sense to treat an integer value as a bool. The cast operator can be used when the conversion is known to be correct according the program's logic:

    // Probably incorrect but possible:
    Suit suit = cast(Suit)7;

    bool b = cast(bool)2;

cast is the only option when converting to and from pointer types:

    void * v;
    // ...
    int * p = cast(int*)v;

Although rare, some C library interfaces make it necessary to store a pointer value as a non-pointer type. If it is guaranteed that the conversion will preserve the actual value, cast can convert between pointer and non-pointer types as well:

    size_t savedPointerValue = cast(size_t)p;
    // ...
    int * p2 = cast(int*)savedPointerValue;