Programming in D – Solutions

Associative Arrays

    • The .keys property returns a slice (i.e. dynamic array) that includes all of the keys of the associative array. Iterating over this slice and removing the element for each key by calling .remove would result in an empty associative array:
      import std.stdio;
      void main() {
          string[int] names =
              1   : "one",
              10  : "ten",
              100 : "hundred",
          writeln("Initial length: ", names.length);
          int[] keys = names.keys;
          /* 'foreach' is similar but superior to 'for'. We will
           * see the 'foreach' loop in the next chapter. */
          foreach (key; keys) {
              writefln("Removing the element %s", key);
          writeln("Final length: ", names.length);

      That solution may be slow especially for large arrays. The following methods would empty the array in a single step.

    • Another solution is to assign an empty array:
          string[int] emptyAA;
          names = emptyAA;
    • Since the initial value of an array is an empty array anyway, the following technique would achieve the same result:
          names = names.init;
  1. The goal is to store multiple grades per student. Since multiple grades can be stored in a dynamic array, an associative array that maps from string to int[] would work here. The grades can be appended to the dynamic arrays that are stored in the associative array:
    import std.stdio;
    void main() {
        /* The key type of this associative array is string and
         * the value type is int[], i.e. an array of ints. The
         * associative array is being defined with an extra
         * space in between to help distinguish the value type: */
        int[] [string] grades;
        /* The array of ints that correspond to "emre" is being
         * used for appending the new grade to that array: */
        grades["emre"] ~= 90;
        grades["emre"] ~= 85;
        /* Printing the grades of "emre": */

    The grades can also be assigned in one go with an array literal:

    import std.stdio;
    void main() {
        int[][string] grades;
        grades["emre"] = [ 90, 85, 95 ];